16 January 2001 - Dear Air Force Drummers, Buglers and Pipers: Several of us in the York area have decided to hold a reunion for the Corps and Pipeband. We are sending invitations to all for whom we have a valid address. We certainly hope that all of you who are able will attend, tell tales, relive old memories and renew old friendships.Here's the relevant information:
Thursday, June 7 through Sunday, June 10, 2001
Activities: Thursday: Mixer with cash bar, slides, photos, etc.
Friday: Banquet at Holiday Inn, cash bar, gifts, entertainment.
Saturday: Picnic, pig roast at local fish & game club.
Saturday Night: open, dinner options.
Sunday: Breakfast at local restaurant, order from menu.
Holiday Inn at West Manchester Mall.
Mixer, cash as spent.
Dinner, $25 per person.
Picnic, $15 per person, estimated.
Holiday Inn, $84 plus tax.
To assure your attendance at the reunion, we request a deposit of $25 towards reunion costs for each corps member. The deposit should be made payable to Bob Zarfoss, and must be received by 1 March 2001 when we must begin to make final arrangements with the motel. By mid-march you should be receiving another mailing with details for making reservations, finding York and getting there in an expeditious manner. (Also, please send an update of your address, phone number and e-mail address for our records if there are changes.)
The committee (Rod Burg, Jim Flinchbaugh, Tom Gibbs, KB Oiler and Nev Wise) and I hope to see you here in June. Bob Zarfoss.