Cap Brass




Roll Call




Photos & Stories

Bulletin Board

Bagpipe Band


   USAF Drum & Bugle Corps
   USAF Bagpipe Band

Submitting Web Site Information

Please follow these basic suggestions before submitting your items.

Protect your original photographs:

Please do not send the original or only copy of anything you have. It can become lost or damaged in transit and handling. It is suggested you visit a quick-print center and have your photographs copied. The process is inexpensive and most often produces better results than the originals. If something unforeseen should happen you will still have your original memories safely tucked away at home.

You can also visit your local large chain drug store and have your photos copied and put on a CD. Old newspaper clippings are extremely difficult to scan due to the yellowing, brittleness and bleed-through from the original paper. We would suggest taking it to a quick-print shop and have them copy it in black and white to see how well it looks. Good quality photos in proper focus, not faded, will usually look great on a web page, whereas, poor quality pictures will not be presentable.

You may also send scanned photos via email attachment provided they are less than 100K in size and in the standard JPG format.  Photographs must be atleast 3"x 5" snapshot size or larger. Include accompanying information identifying names, dates and places with your submission. If you are uncertain about anything contact me prior to sending.

When submitting text:

Please type your story or information and send it via email attachment. The best way to do this is to type it on your word processor then saving it as plain text or as a Word 6 Document. The advantage of this method versus handwriting makes it easier to read, spell-check and identify/verify unfamiliar names and places. This method precludes chance of error when publishing on web.

Click to request information before sending in material for publication.